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Scammer Daniel_Cleo [Resolved]

Today i got scammed for 10B, Daniel_Cleo wrote global : WTS serenes tears for gold, i offerd him 15 b and he accepted. then he told me to join his party and in te end i did. We went to Hotan near East gate . he told me that i need to pay 15 b and then he'll give talisman. he staled some arena coins for 10b and i bought them, then he left pt and ported somwhere , when i asked him where did he go he sended me :* (kiss)....

I added screens :

1. [Image: sro2013-05-19-21-57-3343.jpg]
2. [Image: sro2013-05-19-21-57-3763.jpg]
3. [Image: sro2013-05-19-21-57-4248.jpg]
4. [Image: sro2013-05-19-21-57-4840.jpg]
Yes he is banned with all his other friends/mules

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