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Unfair ban!
Good evening, gentlemen of Exay. They are informing me that they banned the ip to Venezuelans because of a person who failed alchemy. It seems unfair and absurd for me to take that action because of one person. The most logical thing is to give the person who is missing the mistake, not everyone. Some of us Venezuelans have fun playing the server of Exay because it is very funny unlike others. so please have a little consideration. I'm waiting for an answer in this way. Note that I am not a spokesperson or speak for everyone, is my point of view and I would like to be taken in consideration. Thank you very much and greetings!

Messages In This Thread
Unfair ban! - by Azaghal - 09-13-2018, 00:36 AM
RE: Unfair ban! - by [GM]Vertigo - 09-13-2018, 06:18 AM

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