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Hi staff,

First of all good job on website it looks great but the main thing why I'm sending you this email is because of the problem that I am having with my account. I didn't play on Exay for maybe year and a half to two years so i decided to come back again but when i logged in it said that my account was banned (account: pandemonaeon666). What was the reason because nothing is coming to my mind what i did wrong. I would like his account to get unbanned if it is possible if not will it be possible to change an email of this banned account to some email that I am not using so i could create a new account with my primary mail (which is the one on the banned account). I am requesting this because I wanna come back to play and if i did something which was against the rules sorry in advance but honestly nothing is coming to my mind because I did not play for long time. I hope I will hear from you soon.

P.S. I tried using the ticket method first but for some reason it couldn't submit it.

Kind regards.

Messages In This Thread
Banned - by pandaemonaeon666 - 10-29-2017, 12:26 PM
RE: Banned - by QARA - 10-29-2017, 15:08 PM
RE: Banned - by pandaemonaeon666 - 10-29-2017, 15:12 PM
RE: Banned - by QARA - 10-30-2017, 17:02 PM

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