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Screen Shot PvP Event!
hahaha, what a ranking... idk if it's fair, lol.. in the moust of "winners's" screenshots IS NOT A PvP!!! in my opinion a PvP screenshot should have 2 peoples in a fighting scene..... there is no PvP when just one of them is atacking.. or in "player vs mask" screenshots... maybe im wrong, maybe im right.... can't see the "pvp" in Somneus's winner screenshot....
or Maybe the EM's voted me on a scale from 0 to 5 and rest of participants from 0 to 10 Smile)..
As i said, the Ranking is based on 5 different votes from 5 different EM´s.

If it´s fair or not is the main question of course, but not only the fight and chars depending on the scores, also the location, the zoom and how you made the screen shot is important for the scores, but if there is no math mistake in the score, all should be right and fair.
yeah, i know, evry single detail from the picture counts, but in a PvP(player vs player) screenshot event ,the moust important thing should be the PvP.... if it is missing, then... ???
Consulation Price raised up to 3 Jc instead of 1 Jc.
Screenshot Event

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