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Hello gm i made first reborn i'm chine i sow your reborn its not fixed whit sp i'm 9 gap whit 100lvl i got only 350k sp its like from reborn sp is x1 rates fix sp please or give my my nick is DevilMyCry chek i'm whit 9 gap and dont get sp its bug or samthing like that please chek and fix thanx
There is no difference between regular char or reborn char in exp/sp.
I will check your character.

I don't see any problem, your character is getting Exp/SP like it should. Don't forget that after reborn your Mastery stay at 130 but your level is lower so you get gap for EXP not for SP.
i sow and asked players that reborn system lame make bether like x-gaming so can have all master skills bicous in your server can be only chine 3 master eur 2 skill it lame
go play x-gaming because this is ExaySRO and is not you who can say what is lame or not.

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack