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Explain RB's please
GM can you explain exactly what the price is for 35th rb 36th rb 37th rb 38th rb 39th rb 40th rb
36rb=90bil, 37rb=92.5bil, 38rb=95bil, 39rb=97.5bil, 40rb=100bil.
You can see it on the homepage too, login -> user cp -> super reborn
ya i knew tht but i was confused how do u get so much money to even rb? like i have 269 jc but it toke me forever to get it how can i make money?

i wasnt sure if it was correct
Hi rhupwnx,
you can earn gold in many ways:trade, saling arena coins (now the prices are astronomycals), making fgw and colect talismans. and in the end, if you dont have enought gold or you dont want to reborn, it s ok, don t do it, it s not necesarly^^

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