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Ip max. 3
Hey Support Team,

Me and my Brother joined last day's the server.
We play with MultiClient, but we can only use 3 times,
casue of this ipLog max. we want to play with 3 chars each we are 2 gamers.. I hope u can help us with a IpLog. max6.

Ps: Sry for my bad english.Blush
The admin won't raise the Ip Logs each ip...
it will only make more abusers and botters
the admin wrote many times that he won't raise , but mabye lower it to only 2 Logs per Ip, if im right
Waht the hell?
Well all i have to say is this GM, if you do decide to change the I.P max, please don't reduce it to 2 because my friend, his father and I enjoy leveling at his house so we are using the max client number, Smile thank you
it was just a thought , and its long time ago , i don't think that he will lower it to 2
3 was and will stay Smile
Admin email: Only this one is real.
(01-12-2014, 18:14 PM)Navmesh Wrote:  3 was and will stay Smile

thank you Navamesh Smile btw I had sent you an email a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure if you had read it ( sorry for being off topic)

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