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I just recently bought a golden time service ticket ( 100% exp+sp) and gold time SP service ticket ( 100% sp ). Now the issue is none of them seem to work as I'm getting same exp/sp rate as I used to without it. I bought them directly from item mall with silk. Please help to solve this issue. Thanks!!
when you lvl from 120 to 130 believe me you will see the difference
You don't get the point. They Dont work AT ALL. I bought them today and just checked what difference would there be in gaining exp. THERE WAS NONE. I am getting absolutely the same exp/sp as I was getting without tickets. They just don't work. Unless ofcourse there is something I am missing/don't know about these tickets ;S
As I write in game, not sure if you read it so I will post it and here.
All exp tickets/premium/vip do not work for a simple reason we are not official.

On official server you have 1x + exp boost from ticket. But here you have 999x (now 2000x) + boost from 1x+ticket. So even with 100% exp ticket you will have 2001x instead of 4000x.

I think this is the answer.
Admin email: Only this one is real.
SO if I understand correctly, these tickets for exp/sp are more or less useless?
yea, if we would have 1x rate server then they would be useful but with all high rate servers this tickets are useless.
Admin email: Only this one is real.
Well that was silk well spent... Anyway, thanks a lot for clarification Smile Happy new year!

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack