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News Guide made by Ragnarok
This guide is made for the newcomers, i will update it frequently.
Thanks to my guild leader, Scorn and EvO_Imortal for helping me at the beginning.Smile Our guild, BlackList is recruiting any level, but good english talking peopleSmile Feel free to pm me or Scorn.

Some info about the server:
Exp rate 999x
Sp rate 999x
Gold rate 75x
Drop rate 50x
Level 130 cap, with level 130 skills.
14 Degree items.
Custom rebirth system, 10 stat/rb.

Every character starts from this little town.
You can find any European or Chinese +npc here until level 76.
Items are Seal of sun +5 and +7, with Decent str and int blues.

[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_14_44_89.jpg]

From this teleport, you have to teleport to the Newcomers room 1-50 area. You will find monsters here hitting 1 damage, and they will have very low hp, u can 1 shot them. Randomly they will spawn level 1 to level 50 monsters. I Recommend you to farm some sp here, then go 0 gap and level until 64. With the grab pet you can get Decent gold, and elixirs also.

[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_23_56_18.jpg]

After level 64, you can go Taklamakan until 76, or you can teleport to Jangan. In Jangan you can find another teleport, with this you can teleport to a place called Event Arena. There will be some player killing level 100 uniques, if they invite you to party, its a straight way to level 101+.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_32_52_60.jpg]

After you hit level 101 or more, go back to jangan, and with the Custom teleport stone, go to Shops Area. Here you can find some custom npc, selling items, avatars, stones and etc.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_35_36_66.jpg]

At the D12 Sosun extra npc, you can buy 101 items, those will be +0 without any blue stat, but still worth buying it cause of the defense it gives. The weapon costs 3.000.000 Gold each, the Set is 6x 2.500.000 Gold. If you want to buy Accessory this will cost you 4x 2.000.000 Gold.
You need 26.000.000 Gold. Don't be scared, this is not so hard to farmSmile
Pick up items with grab pet and u will have this amount of gold fast.

Now the hard part. You want to make ur 13 Degree set and weapon as fast as you can. First of all, you need to go back to the Newbie town.
You can teleport back from the Custom teleport stone located in Jangan.
You need this 3 npc.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_44_34_66.jpg]
First of all, you need to buy from D13 items by awaken system:
-250 glass of tears
-250 red crystal
-250 elixir powder
-1 weapon/set/acc recipe

They only cost 1gold/each, so you won't lose any gold. If you have enough gold for a weapon or armor recipe, buy one.
Every item recipe costs 8.000.000 Gold. This is how it needs to be:
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_49_39_91.jpg]

After you bought the stuffs you need for the 13D item, go Jangan-Dw-Hotan-Baghdad. In Baghdad, go out at the Left gate, and move until u see my character on the map. Here you can find Level 120 Mangyangs.
Don't be scared, at level 101 you can kill them easily. They're very slow.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_20_58_24_78.jpg]
Kill them until you get at least 10-12 Awakeing Card from them, and always pick up the Arena coins, you can buy Stones with it. Also, they drop 13-14D stones and magic stones, which you can keep or you can sell to an npc. This is how the Awakeing card looks like when its Dropped.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_21_09_51_86.jpg]

This is how ur items are supposed to be, to craft a 13D item.
On the picture i'm crafting a 13D Chinese necklace.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_21_15_48_39.jpg]

Now at the Awaken System Machine npc, select the stone you are hunting for and put your card in the hole. Accessory at me.
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_21_18_55_73.jpg]

Don't be sad if you won't get your stone at the first try, the rate is not 100% Smile Sometimes you need 3 Awakeing card for one stone.

When you got your Stone , this is how its supposed to look like:
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_21_21_19_18.jpg]
Now use the middle npc, and exchange your item to a real stone.
Open the Alchemy window, and go to Manufacture tab.
Put your items in the slots like i did and press Manufacture:
[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_21_23_03_78.jpg]

If you did everything right, then here you goSmile BAMM

[Image: SRO_2013_04_09_21_25_16_82.jpg]
FINALLY someone that tells you where the cards are <_<
I asked a hundred people and no one says anything, thank you.
Your welcome Smile you just gave me a good feeling! glad to help you
Nice Smile
Thx for the infos Biggrin
Your welcomeSmile
Thanks alot Biggrin
sokat segítettél köszi nagyonBiggrinBiggrin beteg a forumneved Biggrin
(06-19-2014, 11:31 AM)izolda Wrote:  sokat segítettél köszi nagyonBiggrinBiggrin beteg a forumneved Biggrin

It would be a good idea to speak / write English here in the forum.

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack