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Market prices
Well as some ppl know I want to make a Market table where the prices should be known from all the members of our community.
We know that the silks are not cheap, but we can't go like crazy ppl just selling it overprices cause as we know all the players doesnt have the same earning ability if we are talking about gold from the game, so here I suggest my idea to make a fair market for all, newcomers and olders players. All should know this if ppl agree with it.

Silks price:
10 silks = 1b
50 silks = 5b = 2JC + 1b
100 silks = 10b = 5JC
300 silks = 30b = 15JC
400 silks = 40b = 20JC
700 silks = 70b = 35JC

(For new players each JC = 2b, you can go to shop area at npc D14 items and buy JC for 2b each).

For other items that aren't from silk shop
Sereness's Tears = 20JC
Commander's Patch = 30JC
The others talismans = 5JC for all 6
That's because those are rare drops.

D14 weapons no adv d, no + = 55JC
D14 weapons with adv d, no + = 90JC

_______________________No adv + Adv D
D14 weapons no adv +8 = 115JC + 35JC = 150JC
D14 weapons no adv +9 = 155JC + 35JC = 190JC
D14 weapons no adv +10 = 165JC + 35JC = 200JC
D14 weapons no adv +11 = 215JC + 35JC = 250JC

(Add them adv d price if it has adv d)

NOTE: If you are not good with weapons prices u can give your opinion and if you agree with it just say it in a comment.
I'll edit this post when ppl tell me if some price is wrong from weapons, I just don't know all the things so I need your help guys.

Ty for reading this, I hope all can support me with this campaign.

you cannot do that.
its people there own choose to ask the prices they want
if you wanna change the market there must be more events like vote/donate
or it wont change you cannot say to somebody you need to pay that
when donate/vote event starts 1 time every month like 10 days or something
then there will come more stuff from the same thing and prices will change.
market is not really fair for private server, because some people say "donating for a private server? pff NEVER!" so its up to the donator how much they sell there items. we cant force then to sell it in fair price,
I also dont think its a good idea, it is interesting but lets say you buy something and later on you want to sell of course you want to make some gold and sell it for more as you bought it Blum2
This is a good "basic" start...but it's up to the seller anyway =)

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GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack