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yo gm / admin
(07-01-2013, 20:15 PM)devillolipop Wrote:  
(07-01-2013, 19:16 PM)clamentine Wrote:  
(07-01-2013, 19:10 PM)Sun Wrote:  
(07-01-2013, 18:30 PM)clamentine Wrote:  The Weapons Are Nice But it would be awesome if they could be avatar wise, like u pay 150silk and its a skin for your weapon
It would not only improve the trade system with silk
but also if you made them different colors and edit them so some can be blue color,some red, some with glow(250silk)
not only will you have lots of choices but also something not even 1 SRO HAS hahaha (:

Damn... I have only one question now... where the hell you were until now? It's a blessing to have you on ExaySRO !!! You are so awesome, with great ideas.... you're more pro than the most players thinking they are PRO !GZ again for your post... <3

This kid hahah, sun your a freaken beast, and trust me i been looking through servers till i found one worth staying at, and next thing you know this became my online family, and you guys are the reason for my ideas, you guys come up with great shit and i just add up to it, this idea wouldnt even hit my head if it wasnt for the person who posted the post at first so thank him not me haha
Sun, and IDontKnow thank you for everything!!!!!
well so everyone is up to ask the gm with force to see if he can add those weaps?

Im down for that (: haha i mean new stuff bring players!! rite now its perfect time for new players to join because, we have over 30+ chars 30rebornes, help new players, until admin changes it to 40 rebornes, that gives enough of time for atleast 70% of the gamers in this server to reach 20+ rebornes ( if this server went 1000 or 1500 as max for online players instead of having it 666 and actually invest in expending this games newtwork connection this server would pay of itself for them, and this server is gonna get 4000x more exciting to play(: , like i said 2-3 new simple addition to a server, can bring up this server a lot since rite now this server is starting to reach some high potential with active voting and with many active players, and active members on forum
This weapons are in public access, but I don't have any plans to add them soon.
Also this could bring more bugs, who know.
server doesnt need another cap or more powerfull items, it needs more gameplay Smile
(07-08-2013, 13:24 PM)Spiritual Wrote:  server doesnt need another cap or more powerfull items, it needs more gameplay Smile

Yes but people get always bored (idk why, when on officials they don't get updates for months but still play)
Cap will be raised but not many will be able to reborn so fast like before.
I will do some high prices and requirements for next reborns, also they will be done on manual way by me to avoid any problems.
so no more racing? Sad like we have to leave a request for you to reborn our char? was expecting something automatized but alright, wanting further info Smile

PS: about the gameplay its time to come up with ideas for job war and maybe change the number of fw's... ill try to think of something
Spiritual I would like to do automatized but requirements will be high, so a bug with this will break the fun. Current reborns are free, so there is nothing to worry about.

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack