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Buffed Uniques
Hello, i am new to this server and i'd like to ask a few questions. How is the triangular conflict in the job temple? As far as i know there is none. Is there any way the GM can buff that? Making people fighting in jobs instead of reverse farming random uniques with no purpose over the map? i'd like to see job wards over some of the uniques tho.
eh hunters always cry when i go and don't let them bot there 24/7 ( its the best place for exp ), idk why, that place is suppose to be war zone.

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack