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Gender switches
I just bought 2, what I thought was, 5 packs of the up to 15d gender switches for 100 silk each. But I just received 2 actual gender switches. Was this done on purpose making them this expensive or is this some kind of mix up? Needing 600 silk just to change a set M<->F seems a bit...over the top if you ask me.
Hi, there is no bug. They are used for last set that is also expensive to get.
They also have to be used on 13d which is not hard to get, since I am trying to gender a 13d set I think the price of 600 silk is a little too much.

Either way I feel scammed out of 200 silk. If I had known they sold for 100 silk each I never would have bought them. I suggest making it clear somewhere that they sell for one each instead of packs of 5 like in the item mall.
On item mall you also don't have in description that you get 5 in pack, you find this when get them first time. Same and here, but I will add this info to description to avoid any confuses in the future.
That is true, but IIRC the globals/reverses dont say that as well and I believe you do get those in 11 pack from the silk item npc as well?
Yes but that are same item so they always come in pack of 11, it's done like that on database because this are official items. When d15 gender tool was done manually by some guys, this server was done only for D12, all other items are copied/created/cloned.
Well alright, I'm just saying, it wasn't too obvious it was 100 silk each gender and that's why I feel ripped off. But nothing we can do about that now, thank you for answering my questions atleast. Unless anyone else has to add anything to this topic you can close it.

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