Poll: what changes should be done for roc bone slayer ?
Decress the hp to 50% or less
Incress the experience when it dies
stay the same.
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This thread was opened to talk about the ROC BONE SLAYER HP and experience as you see the server is growing up so fast even after all these players who were banned its still growing and growing people need experience to reborn also ROC BONE SLAYER is the only event we have in the server my point is that more members = more experience needed but you incressed the hp of roc when the server is growing people are getting 1 or 2 lvl per roc even me the pt killer we get around 3~4 lvls and thats so bad when we used to get about 8~11 SO LETS VOTE GUYS oh one more thing i wont gain anything from this pool because im already with 30reborns http://prntscr.com/181w61 just saying Smile
Yes a lil bit more of exp wouldn't be bad at all... its so hard to get some exp when you got 4 or 5 partys hitting at roc :/
I think the HP of roc is good, we need much more EXP Biggrin
hmmm, i agree, when i used to reborn there were rocs i could get almost 15 levels... and even being in a worst pt u would still get 2-4 levels anyway... i vote to increase the xp Smile
Agree, i think more exp from Roc will be great for new players.
Telegram: @msg_me

Im against more Exp, its perfect right now.

You can get 2-3 Lv or even more when you are already Lv 125 (Depends on party)
why do you think its not enought?

It should take some time till you reach 30Rb.

@QARA new players wont get that much exp if they arent in a good pt also there is a Event Area where they get enought exp till lv 105.
(06-03-2013, 14:40 PM)DxD Wrote:  Im against more Exp, its perfect right now.

You can get 2-3 Lv or even more when you are already Lv 125 (Depends on party)
why do you think its not enought?

It should take some time till you reach 30Rb.

@QARA new players wont get that much exp if they arent in a good pt also there is a Event Area where they get enought exp till lv 105.

New players aren't able to get really good exp from roc cuz pro's always take it down much faster with d14... and let be serious, do you invite new players to your roc party?
Since im on this Server i'll always support new commers.
i've spend already over 2b for them for new sets and starting gold, also i explained alot of ppl how to get a 13dg set and helped to farm awaken cards.

Its true that i dont invite random ppl to my roc party, cuz i only join some from our guild.

But tell me now what would change if the exp would increase 20% more exp for new commers and 5 lv for a pro?

Its not worth it if you think this way.
(06-03-2013, 15:05 PM)DxD Wrote:  Since im on this Server i'll always support new commers.
i've spend already over 2b for them for new sets and starting gold, also i explained alot of ppl how to get a 13dg set and helped to farm awaken cards.

Its true that i dont invite random ppl to my roc party, cuz i only join some from our guild.

But tell me now what would change if the exp would increase 20% more exp for new commers and 5 lv for a pro?

Its not worth it if you think this way.

Maybe it could help them to plvl a lil bit faster and reach a good amount of reborns... since if u got 0 reborns here your char is crap against a 10 reborn player.
HP will not be decreased for sure, maybe more exp (25%).

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