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Honor rank/system [RESOLVED]
Hey, I got a problem which makes me cry Sad

Iam at rank no. 39 with 70 grads and 2,5k honor points.. and the guy on rank no. 38 has 40 grads and 1,3k honor points.. What did I do wrong? My ingame is Megathron, but you probably know already cuz Iam a bad bad spammer :S

P.S. The guy on no. 1 has 140 grads and 5k honor points (so exactly twice as much as me)... I shouldnt be on place 39 I think

thank you <3
Honor rank is calculated by server and I can't edit it in any way, if you are 39 you should be 39 or rank didn't updated (it's not realtime)
(05-21-2013, 22:38 PM)Admin Wrote:  Honor rank is calculated by server and I can't edit it in any way, if you are 39 you should be 39 or rank didn't updated (it's not realtime)

Hm ok, just wondering.. cuz ppl with the same stats are on place 20 + - .. maybe didnt update yet. thanks Smile
Check again tomorrow and if don't change then there is something else that affect honor rank beside HP and amount of graduates =)
(05-21-2013, 22:43 PM)Admin Wrote:  Check again tomorrow and if don't change then there is something else that affect honor rank beside HP and amount of graduates =)

NEVERMIND <3 Biggrin Im no. 19 now hihihihi Im just too impatient xD
No wonder.... soon I will be too if I will look more at your sig Pardon
(05-21-2013, 23:19 PM)Admin Wrote:  No wonder.... soon I will be too if I will look more at your sig Pardon

I'll count that as discrimination Biggrin Why does no1 on your server (except me) adore One Direction :s
Because it's just for ONE!!! xDDD
Marina that's because for rank is important that your graduates to check "VERY SATISFIED" ... so you can have the same honor points as me for example but if your grad.. checked only satisfied...or worst and mine checked very satisfied then my rank will be higher than yours Blum2 understand???
^ that is just for getting the proper amount of points.

The reason she was stuck on #39 is because as far as I know academy rankings only update every 6 or so hours. I use she since I assume it's a lady, or girl, since she adores 1D haha

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