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First, were shouts as a reward , but ppls don't like it ^^ then arena coins , but again , ppls don't like it cause there are a lot of coins in bagdad from mobs , and bots working fine to get them... -_- Now JC coins , but now, someone think that its alright and someone talk that its not. So ^^ Maybe it's time to offer ? create topic or something and discuss , what do u wanna to get as reward -_- Cause im really don't know already.

Messages In This Thread
Fair - by Dutch - 04-13-2013, 17:25 PM
RE: Fair - by Reitaro - 04-13-2013, 20:26 PM
RE: Fair - by Dutch - 04-13-2013, 22:35 PM
RE: Fair - by Reitaro - 04-13-2013, 22:49 PM

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