(05-23-2013, 13:55 PM)Admin Wrote: Hi, I'm working right now on NPC with few rewards for events. We will start to give Exay Silk coins as reward in events and people will get why they need/able.Maybe ull give away items per day. more days online in a row = higher rewards. For example 1st day youll get "1day" item in your inventory , next dsy "2days" item in your inventory.... And this items you can exchange at the so ok for the rewards. But if you are online the 1st, 2nd day not, just on the 3rd day again youll start at the 1st day again. 10 days online in a row = "10days" item. Maybe you set 10 days in a row as maximal than yoi start again at the 1st day item.
So I would like to hear some ideas here about new events, I don't guarantee that all or any idea will be implemented, but this would help to have an idea in general about players wishes.
Right now we have standard pack of
* Globals, Reverse, Resurrect
* Skill edit quest item (Curst heart directly from npc)
* Moving speed scrolls 150% and 200%
* Some Avatars.
* Maybe new pets.
This would be an event for everyone...not like a pvp or unique event. this is in my opinion a complet useless event. just the best will reward the items.