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Baned because the payment wasn´t successful

I can't do that since you have spent silks, you will have to put silks from your control panel on our website (50$ and 25$) and after that you must email me.
You can login on website even if you are banned.


U Blocked my account because i have Cancel the payment.

After the Cancled Payment i looked at my paypal.

A Pic:

My History is empty.

What does this mean? I have never sent money to u or use Chargeback.

I wanted to pay the first time with paypal.

If you have a problem with your system, it's not my problem.

I have other players asked if they also had the same problem and one player have answered me.

Yes I was also blocked but I got silk after cancel the payment. (a bug? YES!!)

I did not get any silk and was blocked!! FIX YOUR BUG BEFORE U BAN PLAYER!!

I hope the other players read and write their opinion to.

That's incredible.:@

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RE: Baned because the payment wasn´t successful - by xpree - 10-05-2013, 20:42 PM

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