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[Report] Multi Account [will be prozessed]
i do not know if that will give me banned, but I have my clear conscience because 3 accounts are mine and 3 accounts of my brother. what happens is that I recivo all gold. gm can know that it is so because they are two different computers and my brother and I lived in the same house.


it was because I wanted to put a name similar to mine. and we take the most of the quests for each account you can create 4 character. I read the sro rules and it is not listed as prohibited. as I said I have my clear conscience, I hope my brother brought beyond me problems because I have endeavored enough play
I hope my comment is not beyond annoying shekels. but was in need of answer thanks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Report Multi Acound - by user123^ - 09-02-2013, 12:04 PM
RE: [Report] Multi Account [will be prozessed] - by arg3n7s - 09-03-2013, 09:18 AM

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