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| GUIDE | How to get 13d weapon, armor & accesory
(08-08-2013, 01:04 AM)trunks470 Wrote:  Wow! I really appreciate this since there isn't anything in the game that specificly tells you how this works! One question I have is: Are the Awaken cards a very rare drop or am I doing something wrong because although you say that they can be farmed from anywhere in the game, I haven't been able to get one. :/

That's not necessarily true because I've found that I can only get awaken cards from higher level mobs, meaning 120 and over, not sure if 115 mobs drop awaken cards never grind on them anyways. Also party note don't pick awaken cards during party play because they fill your party inventory really quickly. No they are not rare drops they will drop quite frequently on any 120+ mobs.

If I have any wrong info plz correct me Biggrin

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RE: | GUIDE | How to get 13d weapon, armor & accesory - by papade96 - 08-09-2013, 20:48 PM

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