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at jangan storage there was some 1 who was selling a ch shield +12 with some blue stats

i was buying it for 3,5 untill some 1 says he said to me 2,5b and u cna buy,
so i changed my mind and offer him 3b, there goes like 20/30 secs no responds then he changed price to 3b and sayd 1...2...3... shops opend i was to late of buying it

here we go.. Then CuneytArkin comes in the picture cause he bought shield, I tought dam but np il try to buy from him, I Pm him hi bla bla etc u know how it goes and the end i offer him 3,4b for shield, He says okay come arabic uiques room i say Okey, i go there he opens stall but ther where like 10 players ther who entered stall, i asked all leave Blum2 but some did some not but np "weedester" stayd while he said okeyBlum2 thnx for that ,then he puts shield in stall Ch Shield +12!! for 3,4b but he dont opens stall... then he leaved stall (changed shield or something) then stall pups open shield come in stall for 3,4b tought oh need to be fast cause its kinda cheap he opens stall i bought shield i look +9.. That's happend,

I know i shut look better and open my eyes but he can be fair and return it cause he was like really to scam me/some 1 he leaved right away neither don't answer my Pm's so what to do?

is it allowed?? cause i will start right away then... cause it seems to work pretty good..

anyway This is what happend from A to Z u decide what's gonna happand next

Thnx, WietKikker Pm me In-Game please

Messages In This Thread
SCAMMER'S [RESOLVED] - by lyonlwd - 05-19-2013, 16:27 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by Admin - 05-19-2013, 16:31 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by lyonlwd - 05-19-2013, 16:47 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by Admin - 05-19-2013, 17:50 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by lyonlwd - 05-19-2013, 18:30 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by Admin - 05-19-2013, 18:44 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by lyonlwd - 05-19-2013, 19:23 PM
RE: SCAMMER'S - by Admin - 05-19-2013, 20:06 PM

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