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Guild Creation - English / Turkish
I will create a guild, only languages that will be tolerated are English or Turkish. Preferably English. Sinister will be the name of the Guild, if you would like to be a part of it, please let me know. My name in game is Misfit, hit me up with a PM or contact me on the forums.

Turkler icin diyicek cok seyim yok, Guild aciyorum, gelmek isteyen oyun icinde PM atsin Misfit'e, yada buradan konusuruz.

Sincerely, Fear.

Messages In This Thread
Guild Creation - English / Turkish - by Fear - 05-15-2013, 22:14 PM
HAITI_POWER - by JEANLOUIS1 - 03-19-2014, 17:36 PM

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