07-09-2017, 22:08 PM
So, we got 18 players at this event :
- DayNine
- DragonClaw
- KapaTiwka
- jeeeeeee
- PiVeT
- Sniper_XxX_
- rubelgad
- WastedGods
- LeeSinFail
- LibertyExit
- BuumxD
- whys0s3rious
- AtnaZz
- xKimuth
- Velvet_SkY
- 2badu27
- Murb
- QARA - 50.000 silks and PVP King title
- Velvet_SkY - 25k silks
- whys0s3rious - 10k silks
- LeeSinFail - 50 immos&100JC coins
- rubelgad - 30immos&50JC coins.
Thhx all for participate and congratulation to winners.
Next PVP Event we will host at next month.