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Lottery by QARA
Hello All!
Here will be basic information about Lottery Game and results from every game. That is why i beg you DO NOT POST ANYTHING HERE! Smile
I repeat, Do Not Post Anything Here!!! Smile

Here are the rules and informations:
1. Every day at 21:00 (+-30 minutes) Server time, Lottery will be played. (i will try to make it daily, but there is also a real life, that is why i cant promise that)
2. There will be minimum of 50 JC JackPot (maybe i will increase this amount, depends on JackPot Winner Ratio).
3. JackPot will be announced here and also in game every time.
4. If noone will win JackPot, it will be increased for next game. Incresing depends on tickets sold.
5. LO (Lucky One): You will get your ticket price back if you could guess 1 from 2 numbers. (Look down for example)
6. NLE (Not Lucky Enough): You will get your ticket price back if your Number is +-2 Lottery Number.(Look down for example).
7. You can win only Lucky One or NLE. The rewards will not summarize.
8. Ticket Price: Ticket costs 5 jc. 1 ticket is number from 00 to 99.. You can buy so many tickets as you want.
9. Updated! I will open stall near Jangan Storage, there will be any item for 10b (5jc), you just buying this item and leaving in stall your numbers. You can buy so many as you want. So, everyone can participate in Lottery, even when i'm afk. (look down for info, how to buy ticket)
10. If you will be offline, but your ticket has won, don't worry! I will keep your reward for 1 week.
11. You can buy tickets up to 4 next games. (f.e. 1 number will play 4 next games)
12. How i get Lottery Number?
By every game, i will go to Scout outpost and will hit Violent Wadi Uneg 1 time. The last 2 numbers of my damage will be the Lottery Number. (look down for example). I made 30 hits to this mob and get 30 different numbers. Everyone can come to see the Damage i will make. That is why, it is a FAIR LOTTERY!!!

Here is the monster place.

Lucky One: Lottery Number is 45. You will get your ticket price back if you have for example 42 or 85. If only the 1st or the 2nd number of Lottery Number will be same as yours, you will get back your tickets price.

NLE (Not Lucky Enough): Lottery Number is 45. You will get your ticket price back if your number is 43, 44, 46, 47

Lottery Number: Examples (damage-Lottery Number): 69 - 69; 123 - 23; 200 - 00; 301 - 01.

How to buy Ticket? When i will be afk, i will open Stall at Jangan Storage, you just come to me, buying item from me for 10b (5jc) and leaving your number/numbers in stable window. Buy so many Tickets as you want and leave your corresponding numbers in stall (1 Ticket = 5 jc, 2 Tickets = 10 jc, 3 = 15 jc and so on). If you dont see the stall there, probably i'm online. Just pm me to buy a ticket/tickets.

1 ticket has a chance of 1/100 to win the JackPot. If you will buy 2 or 4 tickets, your chances would be respectively 1/50 or 1/25.

If you will not win the JackPot, dont worry,! because you have a 22% chance to get your ticket/s price/s back. (LO - 18%, NLE - 4%)

P.S. If you asking, do i getting some service fees, yes, i do. Because i should fill the JackPot in amount of 50 JC (maybe even more) for next Game, when there will be a JackPot winner.
If you asking, do i participating in this Lottery, No! Not me, not any of my chars will not participate in Lottery Game.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. You can pm me here, pm or msg ingame (IGN: "_II_"), BUT DON'T, PLEASE, DON'T POST ANYTHING HERE!!!
Telegram: @msg_me


Messages In This Thread
Lottery by QARA - by QARA - 03-28-2016, 22:24 PM
RE: Lottery by QARA - by QARA - 03-29-2016, 00:08 AM
RE: Lottery by QARA - by QARA - 03-29-2016, 20:52 PM
RE: Lottery by QARA - by QARA - 03-30-2016, 22:29 PM
RE: Lottery by QARA - by QARA - 04-06-2016, 20:48 PM
RE: Lottery by QARA - by QARA - 04-07-2016, 23:35 PM

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