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WTS Premium Gold PLUS (4week) or WTB Glavie D14
well, friend. the 14dg weapon worth much more than a premium.
a gold(vip) premium worth now 45-50jc max. while a 14dg weapon, even clean or a full colection is atleast 150jc.
If you are able to trade immos for a glaive. i have one to sell. phy and crit are 100%, rest sts are 80%. is +9 with adv, fb. PM me in game: Jock3r. oh, btw. the price is 30 immos or 300jc
(i paid more for it) xD

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RE: WTS Premium Gold PLUS (4week) or WTB Glavie D14 - by jokerul - 12-21-2015, 18:56 PM

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