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EXP Rate ?
I'm new on this srv and there's something I can't understand. Why is it so hard to lvl up if the exp is x999 ? . I played on other srvs with x150 exp and it was faster lol.
Can anyone give me a guide or something about where to lvl , also where to lvl up after I start reborns ?

Messages In This Thread
EXP Rate ? - by BegTse - 03-22-2015, 21:38 PM
RE: EXP Rate ? - by TrixKing - 03-22-2015, 21:53 PM
RE: EXP Rate ? - by BegTse - 03-23-2015, 13:36 PM

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack