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Uniqe bug?
Hi, I was going to Pharaoh tomb beginner on lv 105. and everything was ok. Now im 118lv. I take about 200-800dmg from sfinx (i have 18k hp). But during killing it i die 3 times (im still going here for quest). I have full hp, (yes im using potion, pills atc. im not noob) and i die for no reason. Sfinx have only fear. So a realy dont know what can give me 18k hit. I just try it again, i watched my hp and stats, sfinx was only mop that atak and in one moment i was dead. Or sfinx has some special ability on your server?

Messages In This Thread
Uniqe bug? - by Michalizer - 02-21-2015, 19:33 PM
RE: Uniqe bug? - by Rekcuz - 02-21-2015, 23:25 PM
RE: Uniqe bug? - by Staffy - 02-21-2015, 23:33 PM
RE: Uniqe bug? - by Rekcuz - 02-22-2015, 01:59 AM

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