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Bot Report: _Ultimate_ [RESOLVED]

I pm-ed him 6 times, no answer, nothing.
Invited him to party, no accept, no decline.
Traded him 4 times, no accept no decline and he kept killing mobs.

Bot for sure.

Punish. :@
1 day ban.
i have ppl like hentesgeci on my server too, making all this post and "help" to get GA someday haha

Cute why so mad? The admin doesn't want any GM, so i can't go for itSmile If you are so jelly you can help the community too bro. Btw i'm doing this to help the new players and make the server bot-less. You know X-gaming sro? server got totally ruined by botters. I won't let this happen.
I think Cute is right lol Blum2
this server cant use bot?
You can use bot, but its not allowed so you will get banned. Registering like 5 account is bannable too.
X-gaming sro isn't ruinned by got some false infos dude Smile Smile
Bro, it's like nobody plays the game legally. Everyone using bot
That's what you think,but anyway doesn't matter...the server is good and only a small number is using bot..but GM's and players are trying to ban them all Smile

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