Poll: New Events Or Not :D?
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Hello Exay Staff.

im wondering if u ppl could make some new events Smile
(i dont mean vote/donate x2)
but events ingame. i always see only roc roc roc xD roc is borring Blum2
but its more fun with more uniques (like all of them ).
(karakokam event) like that its fun ya know .
or maybe something like escort the GM to the next town while hes a low lvl and spawns all uniques on the way.
and if he dies like 2 times we lost or something.
or spawn all uniques and the ones who killed the most 1/2/3 gets a price.
idk just something else then roc roc roc xD ( ye sometimes i see a H&S and that is just 1 round that u can win and its done. XD)
...Yeah, sounds great...

but my vote is ''No''
and you know why? because YouDontKnow..
if you r YOLO so it is your problem..
I believe that:Admin, Moderator, Manager and etc, they have their own lifes jobs,hohbies, studies, families, girlfriends, wifes, even children
lol wtf ur talking about ofc they have a own life but did i say they must do 24/7 events. No
atlast there could be a nice event 2 times a week or something.
doesnt take much time maybe 15to 30 min isnt that hard
that 15-30 mins probably can be while u r doing ur sweet dreams, or other way..
on this server are a lot of nations, different time zones...
its not only forme but for others to Wink
I've posted this response a number of times, and it will still hold true to this particular post.
New events are wonderful, and I do support them.
However, a poll asking a simple yes/no, doesn't really do anything to contribute towards an actual basis to host an event on.
Meaning what do you ask?
When posting ideas about events, you need to have CONTENT.
What is the name of the event?
What is the goal of the event?
Where does it take place?
When should it take place?
What are the rewards of the event?
Who needs to moderate the event?
What are the rules and guidelines to the event?
Can it be easily repeated?
Would it be too boring and predictable to repeat it?
Are you willing to arrange, document, and post the results of your event if you manage it?
These are all questions you'll want to ask yourself when you are thinking of an event.
They aren't as easy as saying "yes, I want a new event" and it suddenly happens.
It takes planning, rules, people, and most importantly, TIME.
Happy Planning!
It´s high complicated to do some difficult Event!
You always need rules and players who follow this rules.
If only a few players don´t follow... the whole event does not really make some fun of course.
You can write me a Ingame Message for some new Event´s and we can check together!
No Problem, i am open for new Events.
ty for understanding Smile
i will pm u
hmm so i think thats are great events and i think they are many player who follow rules and event's like this Big Grin its a good great idea
i suggest make a trader spawn . traderbot must be like bone slayer roc with high hp % and damage % . so thief will fun to rob them XD . u know in silkroad moment having fun is being in job . trader thief hunter XD

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