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[!!] Idea for crash
Hello, im new on this server and like others, i have the problem whit crash at jangan, i was thinking a solution for that, maybe if u add a option on website that able to us to teleport the char to different city when this crash happen maybe we can get online again. i saw this on other server ( i cant remember wich 1 ) and they fix it whit that.
Won't really have to open your exaysro folder and there find the "Dumb" folder and delete it...then you have to wait 10-15min till the servers kick you from it..and then after that you can join again..i had the problem several times and did it like this and it fixed it =)
uhm well i tryed it, but didnt work xD!
(07-27-2013, 14:52 PM)daniel3403 Wrote:  uhm well i tryed it, but didnt work xD!

Same here
There are some players using a hole in silkroad. The gm need a pro who have fixes for this kind of bugs. i know one but i can't reach him atm , but maybe one of the 500 players here know how to fix that bugs. Or its a crash because janagn is too full , then idk how to fix this
This will not work because players will use teleport to move with caravans, so we will have 10 sec 5* caravans all day long.

I know a reason that cause dc in Jangan (was reported earlier by a good player) but I don't have a fix for it atm.
well, the idea of the teleport is that u have to do it when u are log off jeje maybe u can make something like that
I don't know what's the problem at you worked at me...maybe you haven't waited 10-15min after you deleted the dumb file?
i already did like 5 times and dosnt work :/
(07-27-2013, 15:43 PM)Desmond Wrote:  I don't know what's the problem at you worked at me...maybe you haven't waited 10-15min after you deleted the dumb file?

I have waited 10min (even 10 x 10mins Biggrin) and it didn't work today..

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