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About Boss and Vote [Resolved]
Hello, I'm a newbie on this sever, I have some some simple quest :

1/ Can I solo the boss in pharaoh temple and some map without party (2+ people) ? Because My computer isn't strong enough to log many account :s
Did the sever had a private room to hunt boss ?

2/ I saw a proplem from the vote site, it didn't apperance the time to next vote, so if i want to check the time, i must login again and receive a warning :-/

3/ Did it had other way ingame to earn silk ?

What is Max Rebirth ? When I used rebirth, will all skill point (SP) back to 0 and all skill back to 0 or it will keep ?

Thanks !
1. No, you can't go to event area alone ( that wold be unfair for others ), you can always hunt lvl 122 mobs, there are free spots all the time.

2. Use Firefox as an internet explorer and make sure you have java installed on your computer: also check if you have flashplayer installed ( don't rush while your voting.. wait 2-5 secs between votes )

3. You can always buy silk ingame with gold. 100 silks sells around 5-6 B
Max rebirth is 30 and everytime you rebirth your items remains, only your SP skills and gold will be deleted. And each rebirth you get +10 extra stats.
Quote:Max rebirth is 30 and everytime you rebirth your items remains, only your SP skills and gold will be deleted. And each rebirth you get +10 extra stats.

Skills and Mastery stays

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack