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What about "Trades - Thief" Old school.
I want to apport something to this great server. I don't know if someone did say this before, but here I go.

What about making the trades worth and make the people get excited about doing just a simple trade. Or for those who wants to robe, the thiefs, who want action.
If making a trade give more money to people, I think they all will be motivated to start doing it more often and maybe doing the server more active on "PvP", like traders vs thiefs. So my point is that if the gold rewards from trades increase, more people will do it and it will increase also the PvP activity.
Also the GMs can do Trader vs Thief events, here is the idea:

- Traders will go to a town from the place the GMs decide, if they complete the trade. They will win something (add a good reward) and if the thief can steal the trade then the reward will go to them.

It's just an idea. Think about it, how it would be.
And the Lv 130 requirements to use trans doesn't see like something compatible with my idea, so if you read this and you agree to do it down the Lv requirement to the normal one.

Thank you for read this. Give me your opinion.
Read this thread good luck, cya Good
Can't do that since there is a bug with Item mall transport pets, but regular one will not be enough for this. Also this is the reason for 130 level requirement right now Smile
Oh didn't knew that, well i think this is it. Thanks for reading my post Good
You should increase the %s of the amounts that you get when you sell the stuff once you done with the trade. We're just getting like 250m each hunter doing a DW-SK trade, i think that's a pretty low amount of gold for this kind of private servers.
(06-21-2013, 17:14 PM)Bynia Wrote:  You should increase the %s of the amounts that you get when you sell the stuff once you done with the trade. We're just getting like 250m each hunter doing a DW-SK trade, i think that's a pretty low amount of gold for this kind of private servers.

Agree with Bynia, it will be nice if u will increase % from selling goods. I think then players will use job system.
Telegram: @msg_me

Will see.

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GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

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