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GM I have a question about getting pk
Good Morning GM
What happens is that today was doing the quest of jc and lc and a player appears and tells me that that was his spot and kill me and I did not to anything, my question is free pk can be when he wants .. here I leave the picture ...

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so now the real story my friend.
i was there doing my Quest too.
No one was on this spot, so i start to kill there.
the you appear, and i told you to get out of my spot, but you don't wrote back, so i thought you are a bot and pk you because you steal my mobs
and now its up to you admin
I was first because it took like 1150ongs and told him to please go over there for a bit to finish my quest and would not kill me followed ..
Actually there is a lot of spot's at ongs so I can't understand you guys... you should just shake your hands and go forward...
xD you told me nothing xD
What Sun say, it's not like he come and pk you again and again and again etc.

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