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ip problem can't log in
i have an Ppoe connection so everytime i turn on my pc router gives me other ip ,i know that many ip are banned because if idk vote cheat or something but now i can't log in every ip that my router gives me is banned ,seriously is not fair im a fair player i vote onced per day im a regular player i do not try to cheat on votting pls do something :huh:
I would suggest emailing I would include your EXTERNAL IP address in your email. (you can visit IPChicken to get it, or whatsmyip)
It may just be a glitch with the login server.

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack