In collab with the staff team & advisors:
WEAPON (EQUIPS) OVERALL raise the phy/mag Reinforce% by 50%
Lets go by order
Race European:
Class Warrior
European Skills:
- Pain Quota (currently 75% dmg disperse rate - i think it should be nerfed to 45 or 50%, cuz makes fighting on wars poinless)
- Physical Fence (currently 75% phy dmg absorption -> 45/50%)
- Magical Fence (currently 75% mag dmg absorption -> 45/50%)
Passive skills;
Aura of one Hand 128%
One-Handed Arms 135%
Active skills:
Shield Devastate 2525-3087
Shield Devastate 3500-4000
Weapon Mastery Dual Handed Sword:
Active Skill:
All Guns Blazing - Phy.Atk.Pwr. 438
All Guns Blazing - Phy.atk.pwr. 500
Weapon mastery DUAL AXE:
Aura of Dual 124%
Aura of Dual 135%
Justice Impact 2525~3087
Justice Impact 3500-4000
Final Axe Crash 2525~3087
Final Axe Crash 3500-4000
Sudden Twist : Bleed lvl 12
Sudden Twist : Division LvL 13
Class Rogue
Weapon Mastery CrossBow:
Knowledge of Bow : 124%
Knowledge of Bow : 135%
Weapon Mastery Dagger:
Knowledge of daggers : 124%
Knowledge of daggers : 135%
Vital Assault : BleedLvL12
Vital Assault : Division LvL13
Class Warlock:
Wheel Bind : Panic LvL12
Wheel Bind : Panic LvL13
Recovery Bind : LvL12
Recovery Bind : LvL13
Blood Gardener : LvL12
Blood Gardener : LvL13
Pledge of Darkness : 124%
Pledge of Darkness : 135%
Class Cleric:
Pledge of Purification : 124%
Pledge of Purification : 135%
God's Word : (probability)60%
God's Word : (probability)50%
Class Wizzard:
Hell's Breath fix cooldown bug
Flame Body Evil 13%
Flame Body Evil 15%
Goddess - Piercing Force Lv 3 28%
Goddess - Piercing Force Lv 3 30%
Flash Speed - 300s Duration
Flash Speed - 800s Duration
Ultra Defence Increase Absorb 15% Phy damage
Ultra Defence Increase Absorb 15% Phy/Mag Damage
Cure therapy to not be able to be used same time as cold and to be unlocked on LvL130 and to be maxed only at lvl130 instead of lvl110
Lightning Chain - Division Lv12 20% probability 1time, Bleed Lv12 20% probality 1time, Impotent 12Lv 20% probality 1time
Lightning Chain - Division Lv13 20% probability 1time, Bleed Lv13 20% probality 1time, Impotent 13Lv 20% probality 1time
Celestial Protection (currently60% damage disperse -> 45%)
- Immortal Victor (currently60% damage disperse -> 45%)
Ghost Spear Full Heaven add Stun LvL12 10% probability 5second duration
Pitch White Arrow Darkness Lv13 30% probality, 10s
Pitch White Arrow Division Lv13 30% probality, 20s
Dragon Scale (currently60% damage disperse -> 45%)
(old thread
WEAPON (EQUIPS) OVERALL raise the phy/mag Reinforce% by 50%
Lets go by order
Race European:
Class Warrior
European Skills:
- Pain Quota (currently 75% dmg disperse rate - i think it should be nerfed to 45 or 50%, cuz makes fighting on wars poinless)
- Physical Fence (currently 75% phy dmg absorption -> 45/50%)
- Magical Fence (currently 75% mag dmg absorption -> 45/50%)
Passive skills;
One-Handed Arms 135%
Active skills:
Shield Devastate 3500-4000
Weapon Mastery Dual Handed Sword:
Active Skill:
All Guns Blazing - Phy.atk.pwr. 500
Weapon mastery DUAL AXE:
Aura of Dual 135%
Justice Impact 3500-4000
Final Axe Crash 3500-4000
Sudden Twist : Division LvL 13
Class Rogue
Weapon Mastery CrossBow:
Knowledge of Bow : 135%
Weapon Mastery Dagger:
Knowledge of daggers : 135%
Vital Assault : Division LvL13
Class Warlock:
Wheel Bind : Panic LvL13
Recovery Bind : LvL13
Blood Gardener : LvL13
Pledge of Darkness : 135%
Class Cleric:
Pledge of Purification : 135%
God's Word : (probability)50%
Class Wizzard:
Hell's Breath fix cooldown bug
Flame Body Evil 15%
Goddess - Piercing Force Lv 3 30%
Flash Speed - 300s Duration
Flash Speed - 800s Duration
Ultra Defence Increase Absorb 15% Phy/Mag Damage
Cure therapy to not be able to be used same time as cold and to be unlocked on LvL130 and to be maxed only at lvl130 instead of lvl110
Lightning Chain -
Lightning Chain - Division Lv13 20% probability 1time, Bleed Lv13 20% probality 1time, Impotent 13Lv 20% probality 1time
Celestial Protection (currently
- Immortal Victor (currently
Ghost Spear Full Heaven add Stun LvL12 10% probability 5second duration
Pitch White Arrow Division Lv13 30% probality, 20s
Dragon Scale (currently
(old thread
Life is 3 days, you're on your 2nd one already.
What are you gonna do tomorrow?
What are you gonna do tomorrow?