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End Of Exay SRO !!!
don't fight guys let the love reach all of you
Aids and Soul are legends? Cheating, using a bug (and getting banned for that), insulting other people and their beliefs and killing roc does NOT make a legend out of you.
Legends are people who help other people for no reason but kindness...
(09-20-2013, 06:23 AM)Simba Wrote:  Aids and Soul are legends? Cheating, using a bug (and getting banned for that), insulting other people and their beliefs and killing roc does NOT make a legend out of you.
Legends are people who help other people for no reason but kindness...

BoomYaaa in all ya faces xD see simba knows what i mean she/he knows what legends are !!!!!
See you next year on a fresher Server Wink
THNX moderator hope see you And All Gms and Admin too ^_^
rlly enjoyed this Biggrin ^_^

Metallica isn't my First Char ....Yeah That's True !!!
i had previous char and i know everything
this is my Last Comment ......
and Love You All Except these noobs (IDontKnow-[Simba-Incognito=Marina])
Sad Bye Metallica

Mfg Burnout
I miss most of the fags in this post :3 I saw you online on one of these days Metallica, I'm still in server so if you ever come back I will help you grow to the 2nd best warrior rogue (like you always were >Biggrin )

but out of the joking, I wanna see some of the oldies back into the server

(TIMON_ here )
old soul 
young heart
in the distance
I can smell you fart


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GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack