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LatinosUnidos(GM is urgent )
Gm disculpe la gran molestia pero usted esta cometiendo una injusticia con nosotros los latinos y protesto por lo que usted esta haciendo ala ves entiendo su punto de vista pero es injusto para nosotros que llevamos tiempo jugando su servidor tanto tiempo que hemos invertido tiempo dinero Girl_crayGirl_cray Y ( EN NOMBRE DE TODOS LOS LATINOS QUE REPRESENTAMOS SU SERVIDOR) exigimos JUSTICIA .!! Gracias por leer esto y disculpe la molestia (LatinoUnidos): Heart:

Gm excuse the big hassle but you are doing an injustice to us Latinos and protest for what you are doing wing see understand your point of view but it is unfair for us that spend time playing your server so long that we have invested time money: girl_cray :: girl_cray: Y (ON BEHALF OF ALL LATINOS STAND YOUR SERVER) demand JUSTICE.!! Thanks for reading this and sorry to bother (LatinoUnidos): Heart:
justice was done i guess...
It's not me who abuse the rules but you guys, so if alot of Latin players get banned today this just show that alot of you can't play fair.
I don't see why this topic was done because there was NO INJUSTICE, but like spiritual say... Justice was done today and abusers was banned.

And as I say before, if you have donated you can create new account PM me with all information here in forum and I will transfer silk to your new acc. But not items. No unban for banned accounts.
While I understand this Gm understand his reasons Latinos are some server abused and do not blame you for the actions you take as a player but I think that Latinos are not the only ones who abuse their server (I'm just asking that the rules are for all) thanks for your time and have a nice day: $
missdai I didn't banned only Latin players =) there was and German, Russian, Romania, US, Vietnam, Philippines and other country players.
then everyone there is nothing more to say I appreciate your help and your information thank you and I have one beautiful day
You too, have a nice day =)

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