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Events ideas and rewards.
How bout we make an event that includes the Job system, something like.. idk, Times of the day where nice rewards are activated if you complete a trade run or stop a trade run whichever.. and the higher the run is or the cargo the better the reward list would be?
I think other rewards would be much more Fun than exaY silk coins or instants or skill edit

I Remember The good old "Monster summon scroll"

Or pandora box!!! I would defo have The feeling from The good old 60~70 cap

I like The idea if milfschnitte as well, much More than this hide and seak/question

*sorry if there are mistakes, i Write from my mobile phone
I like the idea of making a job event.
We could make a weekly ranking for trader/hunter/thief and lets say the top 5 of all will get a reward, and the ranking will be set to 0 each week or something like that so that everybody got a new chance each week. That would bring back the trade system. And i think the Hornor Rank should also be resetet every few months so that everybody has a chance to get the honor buffs. Its not possible to catch up to that because the best have around 600 graduates.

Hope you guys like my ideas.
I like your idea about the job reward.
But for the honor buff, ppl are working hard to get them. So if you wanna get them, go plvl ^^

#1 : How about Capture the flag with bigger prizes like 1JC per kill or something like that with balanced (RB) full party .The RB difference should be + - 3 rb's

#2 : Some kind of a small arena like the one in jangan just behind the grocery and potion merchant where you can make 2vs2 battles ! that will be fun..

Thumbs up or something if you like it maybe it will be possible !
The best avatar show, Hide and seek with uniques, hide and seek with items
PvP event with low levels & High levels
Or GM Spawn 3x White Knight and say to us where his spawn 3x White knights (Karakoram) , (Taklamakan) , OR (Tiger Mountain), (etc...) and the first 3 Killers Get a Reward Smile

Reward 14DG IMMORTAL !
well . still waiting some scroll for "remove blues" !! and one more thing -- cuz there is already stones for (crit , block , HP/MP incrase , etc . . i don't remember the name now ) what do you think if we can have CATALYST ?? 500 silk or 50 CTF in not really easy to get and this stones still fails Sad CATALYST only for this stones will be great Smile

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