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Weekly Number Lottery Event
This thread is copyed from Artworks Forum into this Forum.

Hello ExaySRO!!!

Events for new, old, strong, as well for weak player!
Everyone have a chance to win in there.
We deeply regret that most of the Players are neglected at current events, depending on causes which are listed below.
That´s why we added a sort of Event which is joinable for every player.
Following informations will change some situations.
You do not need to have 400 % Moving Speed to reach any spots as fast as possible! (i am tired to see how many new players message me because of that)
You do not need a hightech computer to get the lowest Client loading time to move over to the next map or reverse return spot to win any Events. (Yes, in times of lag it also count as an important factor for Events)
You also do not need a high end set and weapons to practicipate

At all this event is not practically feasible.

The weekly lottery is easy to practice in.
There is a Registration period which takes 7 days (1 week).
To regist at this Event you just have to pay 2 Jc bet amount to the Eventmanagers pot.
Every single registred Charakter will be marked into the Forum Thread.
Finally you just have to send a message at the [EM]´s which contains a Number from 1 - 50.
Those who do not pay the bet amount will not be registred at the Event.
The pot also additionally including 20 Jc weekly from the beginning.
To avoid missunderstoods:

Pay 2 Jc ---> Send a message with a number from 1 up to 50 ---> Ready. (:
There are 20 Jc inside the pot from the beginning every week.
The stored Jc will be rewarded at the lucky player who guessed the random number.
For your Info. The numbers are saved and locked from march up to the end of 2015.
If there are 2 winnsers, the stored Jc halved and rewarded to the 2 lucky ones.
If there is no winner, the Jc will be stored for the next week.

This will make it more exciting.
Any questions? Send me a mail at , pm me ingame, comment or reply below the thread.

Following Events are the current suggestions for the ExaySro Server.

Still not added. only a Suggestion!!!

Thank you for your Attention


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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack