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Holy_Army- Recruiting Open
Hello, I started a new guild a week or so ago and have grown pretty fast. The name of the guild is the name of this post. We take all active English speaking players. We currently have 40/50 members. We help each other out. We're a pretty tight group, we don't judge or pick on people for not knowing the game. We will help you learn the game.. The rules I have are:
1.No profanity.
2.Respect other members.
3.No begging members or other players in the game.
4.Be active.

We currently don't attend FTW as a lot of our members are new to the game and are in learning process. We are all here to learn together and to have fun. If you're interested please reply to this thread with your game name.



PS. Don't flame this post, if you don't want to join, don't reply.

Thanks Smile
+1 bump
Recruiting is closed until further notice. We're at 50/50..
Recruiting is now open. We have 5 slots open.
Recruiting is permanently closed.
The guild has been disbanded and deleted.
Leadership left the server without any notice, or expectation to come back.
Last login was 3 months ago by Spencer. Post can be closed and locked.

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