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[Report] Love_You_M [will be prozessed]
sacredmilo Wrote:Good evening GM.
2 days ago the player with the name Love_you_M stole my 14D Two Handed weapon. He says he broke to not put him immortal. That will give me another gun, but it went out of my guild Antivirus. Yesterday in my guild said that not only my theft, if not also to another player in my guild! I hope this is a test or give me a solution to this situation! We do not want people like this in the server, is not fair! I have several screenshots of the conversation where he says that he broke my gun to try to +9, but also the other person who stole the gun said the same! I think it's quite a coincidence! He has my gun.
Thank you!

PS: Here I leave the link to the screenshot, sorry but I could not or did not know how to upload them to the forum! SORRY!

Screenshot 1 :
In this screen he say

Love_You_M (FROM): If to +9 is easy bro
Love_You_M (TO): No adv?
Love_You_M (FROM): Yes
Love_You_M (TO): Well we hope? What I need to do to me?
Love_You_M (FROM): I'll do once and if you want, here I have everything.
Love_You_M (FROM): Give me that I have sleep fast bro
Love_You_M (TO): Where are you?
Love_You_M (FROM): Here in Jangan Storage
Love_You_M (TO): Ok there I
Love_You_M (TO): No immortal or anything?
Love_You_M (FROM): No, I have here
Love_You_M (FROM): But faster than I have dream
Love_You_M (FROM): Give me 20 mins
Love_You_M (FROM): Or less
Love_You_M (FROM): Change to +6
Love_You_M (FROM): Change to +7
Love_You_M (TO): O.o
Love_You_M (FROM): Will change from +7 to +8

Screenshot 2:
In this he say

Love_You_M (FROM): Fuck
Love_You_M (FROM): Fuck mother
Love_You_M (FROM): It disappeared
Love_You_M (TO): No fuck
Love_You_M (FROM): If, indeed, the dream I won.
Love_You_M (FROM): I get you another
Love_You_M (TO): That's why I told you if you wanted the immortal
Love_You_M (FROM): No. I have, but I forgot to stick a immmortal
Love_You_M (FROM): Is that dream I win bro
Love_You_M (FROM): Excuse me bro, you get another
Love_You_M (TO): Fuck
Love_You_M (TO):!
Love_You_M (TO): And now? What will you do?
Love_You_M (FROM): Yes bro, fuck
Love_You_M (FROM): Still, I'll see I do for you. Let's see if I can find one
Love_You_M (FROM): YES?

These are the conversations I had with him while my gun broke and I have more screenshots, not the first time you do this. In the guild there is another person stole his 14d daggers too. Just ask and I want to punish this person for thief and scammer! Remember Love_You_M is scammer! I know!
I hear many thing about this guys and i hear he scammed a 2hand idk if its your but i will never trusts a guy like him for my opinion i just want the justice

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