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Premium (VIP) [RESOLVED]
Hi Gm i made the mistake that i did not bought the VIP Premium and my account is already 130... with full D13 so i have a question could you delete my premium so that i can use Prem Plus (VIP) Please.

Ty for your attention
char name is LasTHope
Should be removed, I have dc'ed you.
thx Wink <3
I have the same problems on one of my chars, if u have time, please delete the regular premiun of him. Thx

Char: CuteBlonde

Hi GM if you can , make the same with my friend's char " Joya " thank you Smile
best when will be wipe i think remove all premium exept gold left remove 14dg items from shop and make unique strongest drop it and make 14dg weapons to bicous there is only acces and armor 14dg need alot make in this server to be perfect it
(04-05-2013, 15:27 PM)antanaslt1 Wrote:  best when will be wipe i think remove all premium exept gold left remove 14dg items from shop and make unique strongest drop it and make 14dg weapons to bicous there is only acces and armor 14dg need alot make in this server to be perfect it

This is idea could be implemented later, right now there will be some edits in item price from shop.

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About ExaySRO

GAME Cap: 130, Skills: 130

EXP: 999x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x, FREE Silks 4 Vote, Winter Events, Reborn system, D14, Baghdad, Starter Pack