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Report[ Karuzo]
Before you start too lie here go sleep and tell him the true story my freind ! you called me bad names and words before fortresswar , and i haven't insult you or karuzo , when he tell me he will fu ck my mother i should get ban or what ? you started with this when we broke the union because you started then call us bad words and some of your members insult our complete guild in globals ... Too
Yo Karuzo here, now i have to say something too. I tried to just ignore kids in this game because i know they are kinda "special" . Get it straight and just tell the truth. You´ve insulted TodesBower and me . If you can´t remeber think about the situation before Fortress War at 123 Mobs. You told us we can never defend and how bad our Guild is and also called us assholes and other names. If you really need to make the Game bad for others trought reporting stand for your mistakes too!
first of all , i never told u assholes , and i hope we can stop right now. we win nothing with this war
Im banned because of your "war". I just want justice ! I would´nt have reported you but if you have to act like that i can do it too. You said theres nothing to win ? Well, than tell me what you have won by reporting me.
If You want that all this stop......Tell the true story!You only won't tell it cause u are scared to get banned! ........But i can see now that you are a kid....So i ignore all of your insults........go your way and we go our way!But if u want to show us that u arent a little kid tell us the true story
@ Karuzo what you won with saying you fuck my mother ? @ todes , who call me a stupid kid all the time here ?
lol!Stop stop telling the fault!!!!why u cant stay for that what u said?
I do but now i won't spam here anymore only when admin want this,
TrixKing warning for not posting full chat and for not telling the full story.
BogenDepp 1 day ban, stay away for next Fortress War.
Karuzo Ban lifted.

P.S. Do not PM me about this case anymore or I will instant ban you for 1 week.

//end of story.

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