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Help Philipines!
oi guys

many ppl know now that phil has been scammed.
hes a verry close mate from me im already playing with him like 4/5 year
he never search for fights he always respected other ppl

so my question is if we all could sponser something.

i already got 240 jc/ 14dg daggs +0 for him ( all i have)

if there are some more ppl who want to sponser him give me a Pm ingame


Peace !


Aslo Staffy have given a L.A set
TY guys
I am sure there are also other ways to return back his Items.

I could cry to see your post here. It´s really really really nice to see that people try to help scammed players..

I deeply respect this. It´s a verry nice action which you started here IDontKnow.

I hope Philipines will come back.!

We don´t want you to †Philipines†!!!!!

Come back!
Yeahhh buddy thats 1 PuderZucker just donated him an L.A set TY

i really appericiate it also will he

I'm whilling to give Phil 100jc
> Thich
Hi i will give Phil

100 x 400% Moving Speed Scroll
50 x Accuracy Scroll
100 x Evasion Scroll
250 x Globals
1 x Angel Spirit Yellow (M)
1 x Devil Sprint Dress/Hat (M)

> SkinnyPete
PS: I hope u come back its boring without you we must kill Uniques ^^

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