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Reports for insulting
Your Name: beretos
Name of reported Player: BluntSystem
Visual Proof: (Screenshots or Videos) [Image: 2qn8sa9.jpg]
Describe the Situation: In front of Jangan outside south gate i was chilling , this player started PK me after i killed him, and then he used 30% atk/abs scroll attacking me again. I killed him many times and he got mad.


Your Name: beretos
Name of reported Player: AmniWar
Visual Proof: (Screenshots or Videos)
[Image: fktypv.jpg]
[Image: 33c0rp0.jpg]

Describe the Situation : He writed in a global : "GM where is event ? I'M BORING !! the server is DOWN !! " and i sayd : " yea we all know u are boring =DD" but it was as a joke and after that u can see his globals^^ btw next day he pm me : "beretos go report me , this is your job"


Your Name: beretos
Name of reported Player: _GleimerXD_
Visual Proof: (Screenshots or Videos)
[Image: 2s7xcag.jpg]
[Image: 2qvfq06.jpg]
Describe the Situation : Pvp in front of jangan he start attacking me with buffs , 30% scroll and zerk coming in stealth mode , he cant kill me , he was down and got upset because he and his friends Mester_GAMe and other cant kill me and my friends .


Your Name: beretos
Name of reported Player: Mester_GAMe
Visual Proof: (Screenshots or Videos)
[Image: 5akl1y.jpg]
[Image: 1zd6kj9.jpg]
[Image: 29wuxaq.jpg]
[Image: nqqrsx.jpg]
Describe the Situation : My girfriend cri was there on titans area , she
killed most of the uniques there ks-ing mester_game + gleimer_xd , after uniques finished they started insulting cri , she called me there , after i arrived there u can see the chat between them in the 1st picture . There was no unique left so i started to pK them because that was not 1st time when insulting on my girlfriend adress . I forghot to mention they start PK all time when see her on titans area. Using Stun or such things , mostly when unique spawned.
In last picture u can see also RomanRO keep insulting me, for that player i created another post but idk why not in consideration because he used a pet alot of time with insulting my name on pet name.^^


Your Name: beretos
Name of reported Player: Zamolxis
Visual Proof: (Screenshots or Videos)
[Image: 29yrzo6.jpg]
Descripe the situation : Simply staying in Jangan , got pm by this player . I am sure 100% he is fake cuz i checked that website seems to be false , also some friends told me they got also pm's . This player should be banned by IP because maybe he will keep trying this , and some ppl maybe can loose their work^^

I usually dont report ppl but last time got insulted many times and i am bored of this ppls Empathy3
actually im agree with beretos in all of those screenshots , Mester_GAMe and _GleimerXD_ always flam other players and i think thay should get banned for 1week atleast so maybe thay will be friendly.
and this hopeless guy "Zamolxis" he made char same name as GM and trying to scam players , this guy should be banned ip ban cuz thats really dangerous.
Add to ignore like you have said in other posts, and stop crying. As much as I love a lot of you guys, you create a lot of your own situations provoking others.
Pffffff.. What I should ignore, sorry ?? They talking in all chat in Jangan or in global chat Smile
And this is 2nd report form me which i didn't got respond from GM too .
Also RomanRO used a pet with my name insulting on it from 1 month... I pleased him to delete that spider lol.... After all server saw it for 1 month 24/7 .
It's there a report too , but earlyer^^
Please answer me GM , i really dont like this noobs , i will quit lol
beret0s you can quit it's your decision.

BluntSystem and AmniWar just a warning for your language in chat.

Mester_GAMe and _GleimerXD_ account ban.

Zamolxis already banned that character.
Admin email: Only this one is real.
All I'm saying is, that I find it unusual that a single person has so many reports about other people. It makes me question how many of the situations were provoked.
The game environment is what you make it. The best decision anyone can make, is to walk away from a situation, and not engage in it. The other person will eventually lose interest. Wink

That's all I'm saying.
(03-11-2014, 17:12 PM)vladdidar Wrote:  All I'm saying is, that I find it unusual that a single person has so many reports about other people. It makes me question how many of the situations were provoked.
The game environment is what you make it. The best decision anyone can make, is to walk away from a situation, and not engage in it. The other person will eventually lose interest. Wink

That's all I'm saying.

That's all not all reported players was banned, but only the one who created problems all this time, it's not first time when they act like that. Also Mester_condom already show his face today in global, so this player deserved this ban for long time.
Admin email: Only this one is real.
vladdidar im not engaged any of this situations , they engaged me , maybe only with AmniWar cuz i joked with him , and i bringed all this screens from long time xD
Navmesh thank you for your answer and actions , u make all time right decisions , and i won't quit on your server until my right hand will create a +20 weapon xD , after that will see what happening =)

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