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Apologize for the problem i did.
Hello there, I am the owner of _ExTreM_. i'm sorry for causing the problem to Aquila for losing his 2h.. Actually it was all misunderstanding.. It not me who took the 2h, but i am sorry behalf my friend who took the 2h from Aquila :s. Me and Aquila are playing on the same cyber cafe. And my friend who playing my char that day took the 2h for joking reason. We all knew each other PW and ID because we played on the same cyber cafe.. I'm sorry again for all this problem, and i wish u can give me last chance for my mistake.. I also sory behalf my friend who took the 2h and promise that we won't repeat the same mistake... So, i wish u give me another chance to play again and i promise that i won't make any trouble in there or u can ban me forever.. Hope u will show me some sympathy.. :-/

Owner of : _ExTreM_

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