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Advanced elixir D13
Hi everyone :biggrin:

I really want to know how to do Adv Elixir D13 i searched a lot of guides and tried like they said "item SoSun +5 D12" go to alchemy option "Dismantle" with a "Destroyer Rondo" but when im going to click Dismantle the button is grey and cannot click it, someone can tell me pls how to make a D13 Adv Elixir? I asked a lot in game but nobody helps :-/

Thanks a lot for your help Good2_002
U must destroy a D13 Weapon with destroy rondo^^

GL and HF Smile

Edit: ach no im wrong sorry, did u have enough destroy Rondo in your inventory? and have the weapon which u want destroy no Dure Reduce?

As u wish u can pm me ingame and i can help u. oOFacePalm
Hi FacePalm im GFreakz i lvl up like 5 chars with you today, i only have 1 destroyer rondo i need more? and how much i need hehe cya ^^

Edit: Thanks Again BTW hehe
Ach hey Blum2 Ähm u need more than 1, i think to destroy a 12D weapon u need 1k + - idk right Smile but when u put the weapon in the destroy window and u make your mouse over the weapon u will see how many destroy rondo u need.
Thanks a lot Good2_002
np u welcome Smile

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