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[BUG] Stucked when logging in! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [BUG] Stucked when logging in! (/showthread.php?tid=612)

[BUG] Stucked when logging in! - jke436 - 05-18-2013

I was in the Gods Room with my character DunkelDrache and then used a Return Scroll. Now everytime I try to log in, my client crashes. I tried the same with my second account character Warlock2Win and he now is stucked, too.

Please help me GM :/

RE: [BUG] Stucked when logging in! - AChineseBusDriver - 05-18-2013

Same thing happened to me, I was killing Kokorus and I had to repot so I scrolled back to Jangan and the client crashed. Now every time I try to log in The client crashes, my In-game name is Mars,

We need your help GM!

RE: [BUG] Stucked when logging in! - iMinato - 05-18-2013

Same i it Crash everytime i try to long in is like come n! idk why i just got into game use scroll to jangan and bammm cant get to be online for more than 1 min

RE: [BUG] Stucked when logging in! - Admin - 05-18-2013

If you get random DC don't try to login back instantly because only your client crashed for some reason but server still keep you as online. Better wait for few minutes before you try to login that character again.

RE: [BUG] Stucked when logging in! - jke436 - 05-18-2013

Everything fine again... THAAANKS! Smile

RE: [BUG] Stucked when logging in! - Admin - 05-18-2013

Some people suggest you to delete everything inside "Dump" folder in client, may help too Smile