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New Rollback system, Set and accessories - Printable Version

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New Rollback system, Set and accessories - Navmesh - 01-23-2018

Hello ExaySRO, 

As I told you before, there will be some changes in Rollback system.
But first, Item / Accessories change (exchange system) will not be available for some time.

Let's get back to Rollbacks.

For Weapons and Shields

Before: 1,2,3 paid - 4th free rollback
Now: 1,2,3 paid - 4th free rollback +1 bonus plus, 10th Rollback bonus +5
For example you have failed at +33 (to +34), you get free 4th rollback and item +34
If this was your 10th rollback and your item was +33 you will get +38 item after rollback.
If your item is +43 and you have 10th rollback with +5 bonus, you will get only +45 max plus allowed.
MAX WEAPON/SHIELD PLUS is limited to +45 with AdvD or +41 without AdvD (was +40). 41-45 rollback price 100k
All this applies only for new rollbacks from 23 January 2018.

For Set parts and Accessories

Rollback price for Set part or Accessories will be = with item plus.
Example: you failed Hands or Ring from +15 to +16, rollback to +15 will cost 15000 (+16 will be 16000 and so on).
Every 4th rollback is free and bonus +1 to item.
Every 10th rollback is free and bonus +3 to item.
For Set parts and Accessories rollbacks will be limited to 10 tries only!
MAX Set part/Accessories PLUS is limited to +35 with AdvD or +31 without AdvD.

Egy NPC 10k items bonus plus and rollbacks not available anymore from today.

For any questions you can contact me on email: Click to send or in Telegram @Navmesh