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PK for 1 unique :S - Printable Version

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PK for 1 unique :S - vane1 - 02-04-2017

Morning1 Good only left this photo of a player who apparently I feel bad because he gave me pk for thief kalia, but nothing served him the same win the single but I think should put corrective before everyone wants to give pk for the only, greetings coordinates For your good work guys xD  Good2_002

RE: PK for 1 unique :S - [GM]Ktulhu - 02-04-2017

Will be warned for this.

RE: PK for 1 unique :S - vane1 - 02-05-2017

ty sir and good job xD

RE: PK for 1 unique :S - voquanghoa - 02-09-2017

Medusa. This guy pk you for Unique. And he use alot bad word when lose in pvp with me ^^